SOL #5 - Unicycle Shenanigans

This happened during the summer break between 7th and 8th grade, in 2017.

I decided to take up a skill over the summer, I planned on learning how to ride a uncycle, so I saved money up to buy it.

I had to get one, nothing was going to stop me.

Oh, except there was: my parents

They said that I'd hurt myself seriously on the thing. Well they're not wrong, you can do that if you're really stupid on it.

My mom reallllllllllly didn't want to get it. I can't convince her, but I persuaded my dad. He was fine with it as long as I paid for it, which I did.

It took a week for the impact unicycle box to come in the mail, it was all black since that's the color I felt most comfortable with (not a big fan of bright colors on bikes, my mtb is black too).

My grandpa wanted to try it, we both messed around a little in the backyard until my mom came home, she was pretty pissed and just told me that I have to pay for the medical bills.

Over the next few days, I practiced. I kind of got the hang of it and decided to ride around freedom park (literally right next to my house). There were a lot of people there, they kind of treated me as a celebrity, have you guys never seen a person riding a unicycle before?

I'm kinda rusty with it right now, hoping to ride it more once it gets warmer.

I included a picture of it, if you haven't seen already.


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