SOL #28 - Why I love Gym class

[This happened yesterday, during gym]

Spoiler: I don't.

Yesterday, I woke up at the ungodly time of 5:30 to go to stem. If I wake up any later, I usually end up falling asleep anyways.

In 0 hour, we had a math quiz on statistics, and in 1st hour, we listened to Mr, Anderson rabble about stuff that we've been talking about for several months, useless information.

We get to Heritage at around 8:50 and go to the MPR to get breakfast. Since there were no bagels (the best breakfast item), I ended up not getting breakfast. I'm not a fan of breakfast bars.

We all chatted a bit, and ended going upstairs at around 9:15 like we usually do. Since it was a B day, I left all of my stuff in my locker and just got my gym clothes. Once downstairs, I saw them doing cardio.

I hate cardio, so I waited it out in the locker room with some friends.

After that, we went out into the gym to discover that they were still walking.

We should be in squadlines right now, but we aren't.

I'm confused, but decide to just walk with everyone else. I notice my friends across the gym, but I just slow down my pace of walking slightly to let them catch up to me after a round or two.

Once they get to me, they say something first, which isn't very uncommon. I don't like initiating stuff usually.

I ask, "Why the hell are we still walking? Its been like 30 minutes"

Alicia says, "Mrs Morton's making us walk for the rest of the class because some idiot spilled water on the floor" or something like that.

I can imagine Mrs Morton doing this, but decide to ask her anyways. But before I get to her, Mrs Jones stops me.

"Since when did you get this tall and skinny?"
she gestures my height from a few years ago, she used to be one of the employees at Happy Bears, a daycare I used to go to.

"Dunno" I say, I never really noticed anything, plus I'm not tall so... I walk away after than and a little small talk.

I continue my trek to Mrs Morton. When I ask her why we're doing this she just says, "DOnT wOrrY aBouT iT"


Isn't it normal to ask why we're walking for an hour?

Quality education.


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