SOL #14 - Pi day

Today is Pi day.

That day, I was particularly excited for Pi day, as in math, Mrs Navolio promised treats and fun activities, plus a contest for memorizing the most digits of Pi.

Last year, I was in her class and we basically did the same things this year. Last year I got 2nd place in memorization at 27 digits, 3 digits behind Sophie's 30 digits. I was planning on winning today, I memorized around the same number of digits this year hoping to at least get 2nd.

Other students brought treats too. We were treated to chocolate chip cookies, Rice crispy treats, and donut holes, how original.

We had some pi-related worksheets, and as expected we were going to have a memorization context.

Clement went up first, he remembered 3 digits, 3.14.

Then Brandon went. He was bragging about remembering 70 digits, a part of  me wanted him to forget all of them.

He messed up one digit, he accidentally skipped one. But he still got like 40.

Literally twice what I remembered this time.

"Vince, your turn to go up now" Mrs. Navolio said.

I'm no defeatist, but there was literally no point in me going up.


Also, Tau is the better circle constant, Pi day is lie day


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