SOL #20 - Click

[This was last year in December, it's kind of related to SOL#19]

The day is December 9, 2017. I had been preparing for this day for a while, since it would be my first testing day for the SSAT.

It was cold, but there was no snow. I filled my bag with snacks and #2 pencils. My dad and I went to the garage and began to drive to Chicago, since the testing facility was at Depaul University.

I waited for about 20 minutes in the lobby until everyone arrived and we started testing. The room was cold and quiet.

Several kids wore the emblems and sweaters of famous high schools such as Philips Exeter. How ambitious.

There I was on my part of the table in the room. It was cold, but I didn't notice it. There were at least 50 others there, but I felt alone in that room. I'd like to imagine that everyone else felt the same.

While we were testing, I stretched since I had been sitting for at least 2 hours. In the quiet room, my wrist clicked. Really loudly.

Others in the room noticed and looked at me, then went back to their tests.

I hadn't realized this until now, but I'm pretty sure this is due to me falling on my arm during 6th grade.

I can still click my wrist on command. It doesn't hurt but I'm prettttttttty sure it shouldn't be like that.


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