SOL #25 - Pinewood Derby pt. 1

[This happened about a week or so ago]

A few weeks beforehand, my Mom made me go to church again, I didn't want to go but I knew that she'd get really mad at me if I didn't.

We drove to Emmanuel Bible Church, a place I soon began to dread as I knew that I would waste another hour here.

In the beginning of the service, a woman announced that they would be having a pinewood derby two weeks from now, interesting. I always wanted to be in one.

Immediately after, I grabbed an information card and got the starting kit, once home I asked my dad if he could bring me to Michaels so I could get more parts.

I bought a body and wheels, but I still had some things to get. I had planned on getting it there, but the entire pinewood derby section of Michaels had been emptied.

Along Ogden Ave., there's a toy store. It's right next to the place where I used to take Piano lessions. It's called "Berwyn's Toys and Trains". I had last gone here when I was younger. The place was a treasure trove of toys and other trinkets.

I asked the old lady at the counter, "Do you guys sell anything for Pinewood Derby cars?"

"Yes, near the back of the store we have an entire wall covered in the stuff"

Huh, cool.

I bought weights and graphite powder, I have to be extra.

Later that night, I spent about two hours in the basement, creating two cars. One that strictly followed the rules, and a faster one that didn't follow a few. I wanted to check in the faster one, but brought the more legal one just incase I couldn't use it.

[Will be continued in SOL #26]


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