SOL #10 - The Cigarette Store

This happened two years ago, around April.

In 6th grade, I joined the musical. Usually before practice we had ~30 mins to mess around. We were able to go outside and do stuff as long as we came out for practice.

One day, someone in my friend group noticed that I had brought $20 with me that day, she said, "You should go spend that at the cigarette store."

I thought, "Why, I don't even like the smell of cigarettes"

"There's cheap junkfood....."

"Ok, let's go"

I went with about 3 friends, we headed across the train tracks. There was the cigarette store, I never noticed that it was there. As expected, there were very large bags of tobacco, but at the back there was the motherload of junkfood. The large arizonas cost only $1, and the chips were very cheap. Jackpot.

I had discovered (or rather, been told about) an oasis in a desert of overpriced junkfood at school vending machines.

~~ If you haven't heard of this place yet, it's down oak park avenue, right next to the tracks. Also, last time I was there, there was a po;icy that only let 3 minors in at a time, so be careful if you're going with a group, don't annoy the employees there please ~~


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