SOL #17 - The Alarm

Alarms Scare me.

My Phone alarm

The Alarm in my room

Car alarms in the middle of the night

I should be used to these by now, but whenever I hear alarms in the morning meant to wake me up, I almost feel a reflex to throw the source of annoyance across the room. At this point, my phone alarm (radar) basically triggers a PTSD like effect (I'm joking, but it shakes me still).

One thing that I have been blighted a lot by lately would be my neighbor's car.

Like clockwork, it's alarm triggers at 9:30, 11, and if I'm awake to notice it, 2 am.

There's no other noise outside, so the alarm is REALLY LOUD.

It probably contributes to my lack of sleep problem.

I wish I knew what was causing the damn thing to ring every night, but I don't realllllly want to see what routinely triggers their car alarm.


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