SOL #26 - Pinewood Derby pt. 2

[continued from SOL #25]

It’s Saturday, March 17, both St. Patrick’s day and the day that the derby would be held on.

As per usual, I wore all black and brought my cars with me in a small bag. Yet again, my mother questioned the color of my attire but gave up once she saw me getting annoyed.

We drove there, and the lady running it told me to attend one of their nightly programs. I’m not personally interested, but I was kind of forced to say “sure...” to avoid getting berated by my mother. Once she dropped me off, she left to with my sister for Ballet.

“I’m going to demolish these little kids”

That’s what I thought.

I followed the arrows that said “Pinewood Derby” and discovered that the church somehow had a gym about the same size as Emerson’s under it. Once there, I saw a bunch of kids with crappy looking cars, some elderly people, and the inspection tables.

There was one more thing I noticed.

They weren’t even using the normal ramp at regular Pinewood Derby competitions, which my car was optimized for. Crud.

I got my faster car inspected, and they were fine with it so I just used that.

Once I said my age, “14”, they put me in with the adults. Even though my age is probably closer to the younger contestants...

At this point, I know that I’m probably screwed, but I’ll eat the complimentary hot dog and car-shaped twinkie.

Once we start, the adult cars are probably way more optimized for this track than mine is, and they win. Since the adult league would be going first, we finished kind of early at around 11am. I ended up getting 3rd in that.

2nd was some middle-aged man with an all black car.

And 1st was an old lady, clad in all green with a flower-shaped car.

What? Ok.

 I watched the kids and toddlers go, their cars were hilariously bad, except one of them.
It was another all black car, I have a feeling that the kid’s dad made it.

Obviously, they ended up winning. Afterward, they raced it against last year’s winner and they also won against that.

I was pretty salty, being placed in what I thought was the wrong group. So I didn’t bother with getting my award and just phoned my mom to pick me up.


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