SOL #27 - The White Sox Field Trip

[This happened in the 4th quarter of 6th grade]

Earlier that year, I had bought a pass for the White Sox field trip for 60 falcon dollars at the falcon dollar store during lunch.

I mainly planned on going since I wanted to skip school, my friends were going, and I had never gone to a baseball game, so might as well try it once.

The main people I went with were Gianna, Omar, and Mina but of course there were about 20 more people that came too.

Around 9 o clock, we loaded onto the bus, Mrs Caparola and a few parents would chaperone us there. It was a pleasant summer morning, the weather was seriously nice today. We were dropped off at Wrigley field, then walked through security.

Afterward, we went to our seats. They made us sit in one small section of the bleachers for safety.

To be honest, most of us messed around in the snack area while eating our nachos. They were losing 17-30 by the 7th inning so obviously, they wouldn't win.

I can describe the game in 1 word: boring. I can't tell if it's because of my lack of interest in baseball or seeing the white sox get creamed at their home stadium.

After the game, we loaded back onto the busses, but you could see that the weather was starting to change.

Once we got to the highway, our bus got stuck amidst a terrible traffic jam. To make the 90 degree weather worse, it started to downpour.

The bus felt like a sweaty jail when it was raining. It was incredibly humid and warm inside the bus, plus there was nothing you could do to relieve this.

Trying to get attention, Victor Juister started to open the bus windows all the way down to let rain in. This was incredibly stupid as essentially everyone got soaked in water by the time the windows were closed.

This lasted for several hours, we ended up getting back at heritage around 6pm when we were supposed to be there at 4pm.

Darn Chicago weather.


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