This I Believe speech

In ELA we wrote speeches based on our beliefs in life that we have learned from experiences. If you look at the title, you can tell that these speeches are similarly formatted to the famous podcast "This I Believe". My essay is located below:

“Inspiration from the unknown”

I believe in the potential the unknown has to inspire. I believe that a sense of the unknown propels us and gives us a sense of purpose.

When I was a child, I would often sit up in bed, look through the window and stare at the stars. This habit formed when I was only beginning to learn about the world in Preschool and at home, I felt so interested in how this world works. I had so many questions. What exactly are those bright little dots in the sky? Does time go on forever? Is there a beginning or end to time? What is space? How ‘large’ is space?

I frequently asked these questions to my parents. I asked them the questions that intrigued me, but unfortunately, many of these were difficult to answer. Whenever I asked these questions, I would either get the response “I don’t know” or “You’ll find out when you’re older.” Answers like these upset me, because they left me with no real answer. But in the end, I trusted my parents and waited until I was older to try to find out for myself.

When I was older, I became preoccupied with school, too busy to talk to my parents the way I used to when I was younger. However, the same questions that I have asked years ago still haunted me. I had learned that the Sun was a star, and so were the countless sparkles in the sky. I learned that so many intelligent people existed before me. I felt incredibly small in the world. But there was one thing that gave me some hope; there are still many things to discover in this world.
Since then, I have learned that sometimes I am wrong and that there are still many things that I do not know. Rather than putting me down, I learned to take this as a blessing in disguise. It feels nice to be able to learn and improve yourself.

I’m happy, of course, when my questions are answered. But I still feel happy when I’m stuck and don’t know the answer to something. I find thrill standing between the known and the unknown. Without such hard-to-answer questions, I would have never felt the need to learn. I believe that these questions inspired me to be who I am today. I believe we should always have unanswered questions.


I can say that I definitely enjoyed writing my This I Believe Essay. I felt like I got to tell others my beliefs more in this than I have in any other piece of writing I wrote this year.

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