Bio Poem

As part of our poetry unit in ELA, we made out own Biopoems. Biopoems are basically a mini biography in a poem format. It talks about what they've done, what they fear, their dreams, etc.

I based Mine on Elon Musk, I'm obsessed with the guy and what he does. Born in South Africa, and having a traumatic childhood, he literally went from rags to riches, plus his personality is interesting in general (just look on his twitter, and him spitting out some mad roasts on other billionaires during interviews)

Here's my Biopoem on Elon Musk:

Resourceful, creative, laid-back
Brother of Kimbal Musk
Lover of Work, experimenting, and Humanity
Felt Failure, Despair, And Joy
Fears AGI, limitations, and not being loved
Who became a Billionaire, taught himself rocket science, and launched his car into space
Who would like to see humans go past earth, die on mars, and save humanity from destroying itself slowly on earth
A mansion in Bel Air, California



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