Butterfly Project

Poem - "Forgotten"

You wanton, quiet memory that haunts me all the while
In order to remind me of her whom love I send.
Perhaps when you caress me sweetly, I will smile
You are my confidante today, my very dearest friend.

You sweet remembrance, tell a fairy tale
About my girl who's lost and gone, you see.
Tell, tell the one about the golden grail
And call the swallow, bring her back to me.

Fly somewhere back to her and ask her, soft and low,
If she thinks of me sometimes with love,
If she is well and ask her, too, before you go
If I am still her dearest, precious dove.

And hurry back, don't lose your way,
So I can think of other things.
But you were too lovely, perhaps, to stay.
I loved you once. Good-bye, my love!

- Anonymous

Blogs I commented on:
Selena's Blog - Block 4 - Forgotten
Andrew O's Blog - Block 2 - Forgotten
Kezia P's Blog - Block 3 - Terezin
Aine F's Blog - Block 3 - A letter to daddy
Hazelle O's Blog - Block 3 - Theresienstadt's Hospital


  1. Hi Vince, you did a great job with your butterfly. Everything is really organized and well explained. It was really clever to include different angles of your butterfly in the form of tags. Your symbolism is really good, and you managed to put 21 tags in, good job. I like how you explained literally everything about your butterfly. And didnt notice any mistakes, so amazing job.

  2. Hello Vince, I totally agree with Clement that you did a great job with your butterfly. It's unique size is most appealing to me. Yours I believe is the smallest butterfly from the whole project making is really stand out from the others. Your little display case you chose to place it in was a smart idea for something as a small as that. I did notice you surpassed the thinglink tag amount which shows you really went above and beyond.

    Your explanations I saw were very thought out and were well put. Overall it seems like Selena (Block 4), you, and I had similar thoughts as to what certain parts of the poem meant and had an idea of how to interpret them. I enjoyed reading your symbolic representations. With your butterfly being completely different from mine and Selena's, you had a little more to explain and say about your butterfly. It felt different and made me try and interpret the poem the way you did. Something I do recommend is you doubling checking your tags and making sure you have no errors within your sentences. I noticed some minor capitalization errors that are easily fixable if you just go back and proof read your tags. Your additional pictures were also hard to see which was a shame since I was looking forward to seeing your whole butterfly. Overall, I would say you did a fine job.

  3. Sorry for the small typo, I meant to say double instead of doubling in the second paragraph.


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