3rd Quarter Reflections

So, the third quarter ended last week. I still can’t comprehend how this school year seemed to pass by so quickly.

In 3rd quarter, I learned/I proved on multiple skills in ELA. I personally think that I improved the most on comprehension, mainly since we focused on it a lot in our poetry unit and are focusing pretty heavy on it as we’re going through our Serial Unit. The poetry unit focused on analyzing poetry and its meaning, while the Serial unit focuses on comprehending important evidence in all the available content. Since we worked so much on this subject in the 3rd quarter, I feel like it was the one I improved the most in.

One thing that I was proud of accomplishing last quarter was being able to get in all 31 of my SOL blogs every day of March. At first, I thought that I didn’t have much material and that I’d quit halfway through, but SOL pushed me to the limits of what I thought I could write in terms of narratives. I was proud of myself since I had been able to achieve something that I thought I wouldn't be able to.

For me, the hardest part of this quarter and the year, in general, was doing homework/blogs on time. This year I signed up for the stem program, it's been draining me a lot. By block 4 I'm almost completely worn out, I overcame this by just trying to will my way through every time. I knew that if I put the work in class, I wouldn't have to put as much when I went home.

In conclusion, the 3rd quarter has had its ups and downs for me, but it's gone mostly well. I hope quarter goes just as well or better.


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