2nd Quarter Reflections

Today is the end of the 2nd quarter. This means that I’m two quarters away from the end of the school year. Oh heck.

Since the beginning of the school year, I think that I’ve made most of my improvement in reading comprehension. It’s the main thing we focused on with OMAM, plus it’s what I was focusing in on for my entrance exams. I saw a big boost in my Reading scores between the first and second test (we were reading OMAM between both).

Contrary to what I expected from myself, I’ve actually made some achievements since the beginning of 8th grade.Outside of ELA, it would be getting into Fenwick High School. I studied a lot, and that hard work showed results. In ELA, I’m proud of me keeping up with my 20 book challenge. Last year, I had to rush in 10 books in the last quarter because I barely read beforehand. This time, I’m actually caught up (10/20 books so far), which should prevent future me from stressing out so much (hopefully).

However, among these improvements, there were challenges in the quarter. For me, It was balancing homework, entrance exams, robotics and free time. I was used to my lenient summer schedule and was hit rather hard with responsibilities. To solve this, I cut down on free time to focus more on academics.

Here’s to the last two quarters going well.


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