
It's already the end of the first quarter (this Friday)! Contrary to what I predicted in my "Introduction to Me" blog, things have been going pretty decently so far. 

One problem I've faced this whole quarter is getting used to school again. Yes, it has been several months since school started, but I'm usually like this every school year. I take a few months to get back into the rhythm of it, but I can already tell that I've mostly acclimated already (which is good!). One other thing I feel like I've been struggling with is my Narratives. I mainly am having issues with writer's block and coming up with a usable ending. 
Recently, I've been all over the place in terms of my 25 or so book challenge. I mainly am having issues with writer's block and coming up with a usable ending. But, I'm on the last few chapters of Dan Brown's The Da Vinci Code and I'm seriously loving it. The book is very fast paced and each new turn in the story surprises you. The book get's your mind going, as it leaves plenty of room for the imagination, I recommend it. 

I feel like my Blogs have been progressing in the last few weeks, they are becoming more organized and are improving in terms of grammar. This also ties into my writing in general, I've been trying to incorporate some of our Vocab words from ELA and ones I learn about at home into my writing. By using this strategy, I can prevent what I write from being really bland vocabulary-wise. 

Here are my goals for the remaining 3 quarters. Starting in quarter 2, I want to read more books. This is because, in Quarter 1, I've been trying to juggle reading both my textbooks at home and my personal reading books from school. I seriously need to organize my time more so I will be able to do both. Another goal of mine for ELA is that I want to improve grammar more. I don't know an efficient way to do this right now, but I will do more research into it in the upcoming quarters. 

I feel like I did pretty good this quarter. Luckily for me (and everyone else), there is always room for improvement.


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